
#147: StoryBrand Framework: 25 Ideas for Using the Framework in Your Business


Welcome back to the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast. This week we wrap up our conversation on the StoryBrand framework by talking about 25 different ways that StoryBrand can be used in your business.

But first, let’s quickly recap. In Episode 142 we talked about the importance of meeting clients where they are at and getting in tune with their wants, not their needs. Episode 143 took the conversation to the next step where we covered the three tiers of the problem that your business solves – the external, internal, and philosophical problem. In Episode 144 we started to craft a 3 or 4 step plan that helps your potential clients see the pathway they will follow with you and then in Episode 145 we talked about how to create a call to action that inspires action and clarity. Finally, in Episode 146 we discussed the success they can experience by working with you and the failure they will encounter if they don’t change anything.

That brings us to today. The final episode of the StoryBrand Framework series and we are going to talk about how to actually use all of this information so that it doesn’t become another entrepreneurial activity you’ve checked off, filed away, never to see the light of day again.

And don’t worry about taking notes as we go today. I have a PDF guide that will summarize everything we talk about so that you have a resource right at your fingertips!

The Foundation

Let’s face it; building a business has a lot of moving parts. You have lead magnets, email sequences, home pages, offers, short-form content, social media posts, and human-to-human networking events. These tasks and to-dos can feel shaky and misaligned without the right foundation to guide what you are saying.

With a StoryBrand messaging framework, you will be consistent in what you say and do within your business. This consistency builds trust and authority and relieves you from wondering what to say next. 

The problem is that I’ve often heard that StoryBrand is simple. You have this one page with your framework filled out, but how far can that really take you? Most people don’t talk about how rich the framework is and how many ways you can use it to guide your decisions and content. In fact, when I work with a client on a Messaging Playbook, that one simple framework leads to over 50 pages of content, ideas, and applications for their business. As we talk about these 25 different ideas that I’ve promised you today, I’m going to break them down by 5’s. Five uses for five different areas of your business. And we are going to start with your website. 

Your Website

Your website is a rich opportunity for your clients and potential clients to get to know you, your business, and your offerings. They get to see how you can help them. Throughout your website you can use the StoryBrand framework to create trust, desire, and connection. In fact, the StoryBrand framework can be used to wireframe (outline) every single page on your website and help you create captivating content.

  • Choosing the pages to include beyond the home page
  • Wireframe your pages so that when you build, you know exactly what to write
  • Creating connection with visitors by using their words and examples that resonate
  • SEO Keywords to include throughout your site so that you are found on search engines
  • Building testimonials and case studies that tell a meaningful story

Your Podcast

Podcasting is a wonderful way to share weekly content with your audience. Through solo and guest podcasts you can dig deeper into topics that are important to your potential clients and your loyal clients.

Your podcast is a door into your business and who you are as an entrepreneur. It is like welcoming a guest into your home for a cup of tea. They can learn about you, learn from your teachings and methodologies, and start making changes on their own in preparation for working with you.

Throughout your podcast you can use the StoryBrand framework to help you make content decisions, choose guests, and even build descriptions that are welcoming.

  • Choosing podcast guests who align with your vision and client’s needs
  • Mapping out podcast topics that generate interest in your offer
  • Outlining individual podcast episodes so that you always know what to say
  • Writing your podcast intro clip gives listeners insights into what to expect
  • Writing podcast episode descriptions to welcome new listeners to the show

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are one of the best ways to build your email list and begin to serve your potential clients and clients in a deeper way. Email addresses are a piece of personal information, which means that the lead magnet you offer in return must be meaningful and help to solve a client’s problem or give them what they want.

With the StoryBrand framework in mind, you will know what problems your client is experiencing instead of just creating random lead magnets and hoping for the best. You can be intentional in your lead magnet creation, email sequence follow-up, invitations to your lead magnet, and ads that you create to expand your audience.

  • Choose Topics that focus on problems your clients experience
  • Create lead magnet content that is useful and meaningful
  • Write landing page content to showcase your lead magnet benefits and importance
  • Write your email sequence in a way that has clients signing up for your offer
  • Ad content and creative to broaden your audience reach

Short Form Content

How many times have you heard the recommendation to create short form content (reels, stories, YouTube shorts, etc.) but are unsure what to create? Short form content is an excellent way to share some of your ideas, methodologies, and approaches all while giving your audience a chance to get to know you.

It can feel intimidating and stressful to create short form content even for the most seasoned entrepreneur if you don’t have a plan. The StoryBrand framework can help you plan, create, and share content consistently, create descriptions that resonate, and hashtags that increase your reach.

  • Cover image content that is exciting and creative through transformation
  • Categories and content for posts on social media and YouTube
  • Hashtag research to help you find what is trending and in alignment with your message
  • Reel/Video content that is simple, powerful, and creates trust
  • Roadmap for identifying potential people who might be ideal clients for engagement

Long Form Content

You have the opportunity to get on a stage a talk, to offer a keynote, a presentation, or write a guest blog. But what are you supposed to include? The key to a transformative piece of long form content (i.e., longer than 90 seconds) is to align your stories, concepts, and teaching moments with your message.

When your content is aligned with your business message, the listeners and readers will trust you more deeply. When you confuse your audience, you lose your audience and that is exactly what a disjointed message will do.

The StoryBrand framework keeps you on track and aligned across your content.

  • Stories that you tell to create connection
  • Case studies to include to show the efficacy of your methodology
  • Create tension around the problems being experienced by highlighting the problems
  • Transformation that shows the journey clients will take
  • Highlighting the process that you follow with clients and why

Action Item

Your action item for today is to find one place in your business that you can use the StoryBrand framework. Perhaps you already know what you’d like to do. Maybe the ideas I shared with you today sparked a completely different idea.

Start experimenting. For example, you could take one piece of the framework, maybe the external problem and use that as your hook for a social media post. You could use the plan as an email in an email sequence. The possibilities are endless.

You could fill out an entire framework for your upcoming podcast episode or blog post and use that as your outline for the content.

The key is to try something because it is all an experiment. The sooner you begin experimenting, the sooner you will have data and can make adjustments.


That’s all for today’s episode and for our series on the Storybrand framework. Thank you so much for joining on this journey and remember to grab your free PDF Guide using the link in the show notes that reviews everything we talked about today in one neat and tidy place.

No lost notes or sticky notes that get spilled on. Save the PDF to your iPad and pull it up anytime you need some inspiration or a simple reminder of how to use the work that you’ve already put into your messaging.

As always, I’m here to help, whether that is with a Messaging Playbook or 1:1 coaching for your business. I’ll pop the application to work with me in the show notes so that we can sit down and talk about where you are at with your business and where you want to be. If it is a good fit, we can talk about how to work together or if I think there is a resource that would be better for you, I’ll share that instead!

I can’t wait to read your application and help you make progress in your entrepreneurial journey.

I will see you back here next week for another episode of the podcast where we are focusing on mentoring community and implementation so that we can remove the overwhelm of building a successful and profitable business and add in a little dose of momentum.

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

Show Resources:

Get the PDF Summary Guide: https://www.digitalcoursecreatorguide.com/relay/25-storybrand-ideas/ 

Check out all podcast episodes at: https://www.digitalcoursecreatorguide.com/digital-course-creator-podcast/

Apply to Work with Dr. Moira: https://www.digitalcoursecreatorguide.com/apply/

StoryBrand Messaging Framework: https://mystorybrand.com/

DM me on Facebook or Instagram:

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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