
#199: The Easiest Way to Record your Online Course Videos (Maximum Impact)

You have carefully planned out your digital course. You’ve mapped out the modules, the outcomes, the examples, and the resources. Which leaves you with the actual recording of your online course.

All too often this is where the dramatic music that you hear in horror films starts to play because course creators want their course to have an impact. But it feels impossible to know what to do when hitting record.

You can choose to stress over the best way to record your course, or re-record your course OR you can follow the three steps that I’m going to share with you today so that you can just get those recordings done and out where your students can learn from your wisdom.

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#196: Too Many Ideas & Too Little Time: 3 Tips For Staying Focused on Your Course

The curse and the gift of being a creator is that you probably have a lot of ideas. That is a gift, because you can always create a new offer, adjust an existing lead magnet to better align with client needs, and write those stories that will engage your reader.

Sounds great, right?

It is, right up until it isn’t.

The swirl of ideas also means that you may find it difficult to focus on just one task, one offer, or one idea. The other ideas are crowding in and tempting you to shift gears to something else.

What happens as a result is that your tasks remain unfinished and your course remains un-launched.

You can keep up this half-finished way of building your business, or you can implement 3 tips for staying focused in spite of the never-ending swirl of ideas.

Which path will you choose?

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#191: Failed Digital Course Launch. Here’s What to do Next

Have you ever found yourself getting jealous as you read through social media because you want to post on social media that your course launch was a rousing success? You want to shout from the rooftops that you didn’t just get one sale, but you in fact got more than you planned for AND your audience has grown exponentially.

You’ve seen the posts that share that exact news, but when it comes to your launch all you can post is that you had low or no sales after months of effort, a course that is detailed and packed with valuable information, and you even spent money on ads that ended up costing you instead of adding to your bank account.

Now, what? Well there are two paths forward.

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#190: Why You Don’t Need a Virtual Assistant

Among the very first bits of advice you get as a digital course creator, or really as a digital entrepreneur, is to hire a virtual assistant before you think you need one. But hiring a Virtual Assistant, or VA, costs money and at the beginning or middle of your journey that might feel like a luxury instead of a necessity.

There are books telling you to Buy Back Your Time, how to hire a VA, and even what tasks you should be outsourcing, but let’s face it. That doesn’t work for everyone.

Today I’m going to share with you 5 ways to put off hiring a VA and they are all free! Now, you can go ahead and hire a VA, but I encourage you to consider these ideas first because they are certainly easier on your budget and don’t require you to interview anyone!

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#181: Top 6 Tools for Creating and Selling Your Digital Course: Part 2

Too many tools, tech options, learning management systems and decisions lead to overwhelm and stuckness as a digital course creator.

In Episode 180 I shared with you 3 of my Top 6 tools for creating and selling your digital course and today I’m going to share 3 more to round out our 6 tools. If you didn’t catch Part 1, be sure to go back and listen when you are done here.

With over 15 years of experience in digital courses, I’ve dealt with the ins and outs, ups and downs of the process and choices around technology. My goal is to simplify things for you and save some hair pulling so that you have more time for course development AND your hobbies…even if that means rediscovering hobbies you had to put down while figuring out the tech side of your business.

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