
What’s Your Next Big Digital Course Move?

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Access These FREE Resources to Accelerate Your Progress

Lead Magnet Checklist

This checklist takes the confusion out of creating and sharing a lead magnet.

Entrepreneur Networking Handbook​

This free handbook will help you make the most of each networking situation.

30-Day Planning Guide

Stay accountable and get your task list done with this 30-Day Guided Planner


Digital Course Audit

As a digital course creator, you’ve probably poured your heart and soul into developing your course content. But are you absolutely confident that it’s hitting the right notes? Does it flow seamlessly, engage your students and convey your message clearly? If you’re feeling a bit uncertain, it’s time to bring in the expert.

Introducing the Digital Course Audit.

Designed specifically for digital course creators like you, the Digital Course Audit offers a comprehensive review of your course, from start to finish. As an instructional designer and college professor with over 15 years of experience, I have the knowledge and skills to identify where your course shines and where it may need a bit of polishing.

So, how does it work?

We’ll kick things off with a 30-minute deep-dive call to discuss your business, your course, any concerns you might have, and all the crucial background details you believe I need to know. This ensures a personalized and tailored review suited to your course’s specific needs and objectives.

I’ll then meticulously review your course videos, slides, and materials, examining everything from the cohesiveness of your theme to the clarity of your message, right down to the accessibility and flow of your slides. After all, a well-structured course is key to effective learning experiences and, ultimately, to your students’ success.

Within 10 business days, you’ll receive a detailed video review of your course, providing clear, actionable feedback on what’s working, what’s not, and recommendations on how to improve.

But it doesn’t end there. We’ll wrap everything up with a 30-minute debriefing session where you can ask any lingering questions, ensuring you’re fully equipped to deliver a standout digital course.

In essence, the Digital Course Audit is your trusted partner to ensure your digital course is more than just information—it’s a transformative learning experience for your students. Let’s work together to make your course the best it can be.

Get Your Course Audit

Website Messaging Audit

Do you ever feel like your website is an incomplete puzzle, simply missing that one critical piece? You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating and launching it, but somehow, it just doesn’t seem to hit the mark. You’re not alone, and the good news is, help is at hand.

Introducing the Website Messaging Audit – a carefully engineered service designed exclusively for passionate digital course creators like you.

As a seasoned StoryBrand Certified Guide, I am equipped with the skills and insight to dive deep into your website content and identify what’s working, what’s not, and what could potentially supercharge your messaging. This audit is not merely a perfunctory scan but a comprehensive, strategic review of your home page, ‘About You’ section, and services page. Expect an in-depth evaluation coupled with tailored suggestions and improvements.

With the Website Messaging Audit, you’re not just buying a service; you’re investing in clarity. You’re bridging the gap between your services and your audience’s comprehension. And above all, you’re ensuring that every visitor who lands on your website feels connected, engaged, and ready to act.

So, let’s clear the confusion and light up the path for your visitors. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your website messaging, inspire action, and watch your digital course thrive. This is your chance to turn your website into a powerful, persuasive, and profitable platform.

Take the leap today with the Website Messaging Audit – because when your message is clear, your success will be too.

Schedule your Website Audit

1:1 Coaching

Strategy Session

Unlock the full potential of your digital business with an exclusive 1:1 Strategy Session. As online creators, I understand the unique challenges that you face. Every minute counts and each decision can have a substantial impact on your business. That’s why I’ve designed this one-hour intensive strategy session that’s all about YOU and YOUR vision.

This isn’t just another meeting (who needs more of those?). We’ll dive deep into your goals, your current strategies, and your aspirations. We’ll uncover the potential roadblocks that might be hindering your progress and we’ll create a personalized plan of action.

In just 60 minutes, we’ll dissect your upcoming quarter, strategizing with precision to ensure your steps are aligned with your desired outcomes. We’ll sketch out actionable steps that propel your business forward, assuring no stone is left unturned.

Is there a question that’s been nagging you? A decision you’ve been wrestling with? We’re here to help you tackle those too. No more sleepless nights, no more guesswork. Your 1:1 Strategy Session will provide clarity, confidence, and a concrete plan to move forward.

And let’s not forget the best part, we’ll GET THINGS DONE. No more aimlessly wandering through your to-do list. We’re here to help you prioritize, focus, and execute efficiently.

So, are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to optimize your strategy and turn those dreams into reality? Let’s make it happen with our 1:1 Strategy Session. Let’s create your roadmap to success. It’s time to turn the dial up on your business and watch as your vision comes to life. Join me, and step into a world of strategic excellence. Let’s make the next quarter your best one yet.

Book a Strategy Session

Nail Your One-Liner

Imagine this: You’re at an industry event, rubbing shoulders with peers, potential clients, and maybe even your role models. Someone asks that inevitable question: “So, what do you do?” You freeze, fumble, and fudge an answer that does no justice to your innovative, digital creation prowess. Or worse still, you’re in a family gathering, and your aunt is giving you that “so you’re just playing on your computer all day?” look. Familiar scenarios? We’ve been there too.

Now, imagine a different scene. You’re at the same event, or family gathering. The same question pops, and you handle it like a pro. You deliver a succinct, persuasive, and intriguing one-liner that leaves them all impressed, curious, and eager to know more. That’s the power of a well-crafted one-liner, and that’s exactly what we’ll help you create in our one-hour power session.

Our Write your one-liner product is not an off-the-shelf solution, but a specially-tailored experience designed to truly capture the essence of your work as a digital creator. Together, we will distill your complex, creative, and unique entrepreneurial journey into a simple, compelling, and memorable one-liner. In just one hour, we will co-create a communication tool that will revolutionize your networking, marketing, and personal branding efforts.

Don’t let your creativity get lost in translation. Say goodbye to awkward explanations and missed opportunities. Empower yourself with a one-liner that does justice to your talent, passion, and hard work. With Write your one-liner, you will walk away with a potent pitch that you can start using immediately, and a framework to keep refining it as you evolve in your exciting journey.

Let’s co-create your one-liner. Let’s help you shine brighter in every conversation. You have the talent. Together let’s find the words and make them unforgettable.

Book a One-Liner Session

1:1 StoryBrand Messaging Work Session

Are you a digital creator who would love personalized advice from a StoryBrand Certified Guide without the commitment of ongoing services? Your solution is here! Tap into my knowledge and experience by scheduling a 1:1 Messaging Work Session.

This is your exclusive chance to have a StoryBrand Guide on your side, helping you every step of the way. A 1:1 work session is designed as a unique experience, providing you with valuable insights and constructive feedback to enhance your digital content presence.

Our hourly StoryBrand coaching program is a results-oriented approach to stimulate your creativity and take your digital content to new heights. Here’s how we can help:

  1. Map out landing pages – Inject a surge of creativity and clarity into your landing pages and watch the engagement soar.
  2. Refine website copy – Make every word count. We’ll help you trim your copy down to clear, precise language that truly speaks to your audience.
  3. Get feedback on an email sequence – Not sure if your email sequence is hitting the mark? Get constructive feedback and practical suggestions for improvement.
  4. Walk through your StoryBrand Messaging Framework – Align your brand’s story with your customer’s journey. We’ll provide a step-by-step walkthrough to help you make the most out of this powerful tool.

This is more than just a coaching session; it’s a power-packed hour where you can Get Things Done! This is the push you need, the support you crave, and the guidance you deserve to take your digital creation efforts from good to outstanding.

So, why wait? Schedule your 1:1 Messaging Work Session today and turbo-charge your content creation journey. The world of digital creation awaits your brilliance!

Book a Work Session

Brandscript Starter Package

I understand the struggle of crafting compelling narratives that captivate your audience, and that’s where our StoryBrand Messaging Package comes to play. The purpose is to invite your customers into a captivating journey, where they become more than just spectators – they become a part of your story.

At the heart of this journey is the BrandScript – a unique 7-part framework designed to guide conversations, weave captivating narratives, and create a magnetic resonance with your audience. Think of the BrandScript as your storytelling compass. It doesn’t just mark the journey’s start and end; it shapes the path, highlighting the key talking points that will guide you and your audience through an unforgettable adventure.

Now, if you’re thinking this sounds like a complex task, don’t worry. I’ve got your back. This isn’t a map you need to decipher on your own. I’m here to guide you. The process is simple, yet effective. Let’s break it down:

  1. A 60-minute brainstorming session: We will work together through the StoryBrand Messaging Framework. This is where your brand’s story begins to take shape.
  2. The StoryBrand BrandScript: This is not just a document; it’s your brand’s blueprint that describes who you are, what you do, and why it matters.
  3. The BrandScript Script: This is a comprehensive narrative document that provides you the exact words to voice your brand story compellingly and authentically.
  4. Implementation Plan: This customized plan maps out how to effectively use your BrandScript across various platforms and mediums.

But, we don’t stop there. We meet again for a 60-minute review session to go through all the content, fine-tune, and discuss how to bring your brand story to life.

The beauty of it all? In just two weeks or less, you could be ready to debut your brand’s story in “prime time”, fostering deeper connections with your audience and ultimately driving your brand’s growth!

Get ready to embark on a journey that transforms your brand’s communication, resonates with your audience, and propels your digital presence to new heights. Your story is waiting to be told, and the StoryBrand Messaging Package is here to make it unforgettable.

Get Your BrandScript

Progress Connection

Introducing the Progress Connection, your personal compass to navigating the digital course landscape. If you’ve ever felt like you’re spinning your wheels, stuck in the mud of confusion about course creation and effective messaging, this is your shovel to dig yourself out.

This unique 1:1 coaching and strategy session is designed specifically for ambitious entrepreneurs like you, who see the potential in digital courses but can’t seem to find the right path to implementing them. No more wandering in the wilderness of endless options and complicated strategies – the Progress Connection will illuminate your path to success.

Imagine your business thriving with a digital course that resonates with your audience. Picture your messaging hitting the mark every time, drawing in potential clients who can’t resist saying “Yes!” to your offers. If this is the future you see for your business, but you’re unsure how to get there, you are not alone. And better yet, you don’t have to go it alone.

The Progress Connection is your opportunity to learn from an industry veteran, someone who has been where you are and now holds the map that takes you from an Uncertain Course Creator to a Six Figure Course Creator. You’ll be guided every step of the way, removing the stress of figuring things out on your own.

With Progress Connection, you’re getting more than just a service. You’ll receive exclusive access to a Business Deep Dive Session, monthly 1:1 Strategy Sessions, and invaluable Messaging Guidance. Plus, you’ll enjoy step-by-step Digital Course Creation Help, ensuring you never lose your way.

But that’s not all. You’ll uncover the secrets to creating digital courses that deliver results, learn key mindset management practices for business growth, and discover strategies tailored to fit your business needs. 

The Progress Connection is your ticket to a successful digital course business. No more guesswork, no more confusion – just clear, concise, and actionable steps towards a future filled with success. Don’t let opportunities pass you by. Connect with Progress today and start building your Six Figure Business tomorrow.

Schedule a Call

Start Creating Your Resources

Get the FREE Lead Magnet Checklist

This straightforward checklist will simplify the lead magnet creation process with a detailed list of action items designed to: save time, remove stress, and build your list.

We take your privacy seriously and will never spam you, share or sell your data. You can unsubscribe from our emails any time with one-click. Check our privacy policy for full details.
Get Your Month In Focus

Plan Your Month and Get Things Done

Let me guess, you’ve tried a 30-day planner before and got off track on Day 1? I’ve been there and it is precisely why I designed this 30-day planner that can be started at any time and will help you identify the “why” behind the tasks. When you know the “why” your motivation, determination, and stick-to-it-ive-ness tends to get a boost.

We take your privacy seriously and will never spam you, share or sell your data. You can unsubscribe from our emails any time with one-click. Check our privacy policy for full details.
Start Building Your Network

Get the FREE Handbook for Entrepreneur Networking

This free handbook will help you make the most of each networking situation, especially if you find networking exhausting.

We take your privacy seriously and will never spam you, share or sell your data. You can unsubscribe from our emails any time with one-click. Check our privacy policy for full details.