
#131: The Power of Repeat: How Systems and Processes Boost Productivity


Welcome back to the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast. These last few weeks we have been talking about lead magnets and I’ve been working on a new workshop that helps you create a Rinse and Repeat approach to lead magnets so that you can save time and serve your clients more efficiently. Today we are going to dig into the concept behind having systems and processes in place from a business strategy perspective.

We are All Busy 

This past weekend I was working on my Rinse and Repeat Lead Magnets workshop slides and as part of the workshop, I’ll be giving attendees an email sequence template. As you are building a business you will create many lead magnets as your business grows, evolves, and you learn more about what your clients need right now. If you are going to do something over and over, it is helpful to have a template. 

I am a big fan of rinse and repeat. As I created the email templates for my clients, I was really drawn to thinking about how we can all use more systems and processes in our business. I’m probably thinking about this because we are doing our homeschool planning for the upcoming school year and I always have to work smarter and shorter so that I have time to focus on my kiddo’s school. You probably have something that keeps you busy as well. Maybe you are working a 9 to 5 job and are working to grow your business in the evenings and on the weekends. Or perhaps you are caring for aging family members, or have a chronic illness that leaves you depleted. Maybe you just want to spend more time having fun and playing instead of being in front of your computer! 

Regardless of the reasons, we all need systems and processes.

The Need for Repeat

Why do we even need systems and processes? What do they mean in the context of our work or business?

First up, I want to acknowledge that the concept of systems and processes isn’t new. It’s how things get done efficiently and effectively in any industry. At its core, a system is a way of doing something that is repeatable, predictable, and scalable, while a process is a series of steps that you take to make a product or provide a service.

So why is this important? Because creating systems and processes that allow you to ‘rinse and repeat’ instead of creating from scratch every time can do wonders for your productivity. And here’s how.

Firstly, you are not reinventing the wheel every single time you have to do something. How many times have you found yourself doing the same task over and over again? What if you could find a way to streamline that task, create a process for it, and then just follow the steps each time? That’s a lot of saved time and effort.

Secondly, systems and processes are not just about getting things done – they’re about getting things done right. When you have a system in place, you are ensuring a certain level of quality and consistency in your work.

Think about a favorite restaurant of yours. Why is it your favorite? Apart from the delicious food, I bet it’s because you know exactly what to expect every time you go. You have a consistent experience that meets your expectations, and that’s because the restaurant has systems and processes in place to ensure that level of quality. The same concept applies to your work or business.

When your clients get emails from you that are in the same voice, have a similar format you are giving them a piece of comfort. They know what to expect, it isn’t difficult for them to understand you, and that builds trust.

Thirdly, having effective systems and processes in place frees up your mental space for tasks that really need your unique skills or ‘zone of genius’, as it’s often called. You’re not bogged down by routine tasks or fire-fighting crises because your systems have taken care of them. This gives you the freedom to think creatively, innovate, and add value in ways only you can.

Think about the last time you were in a state of ‘flow’, where you were fully engaged in what you were doing, and ideas were just flowing. Was it when you were doing a mundane task that you’ve done a hundred times? Or was it when you were working on something that challenged you, that excited you, and that allowed you to use your unique skills and talents? I’m guessing it’s the latter.

And finally, systems and processes are essential when you’re ready to scale your work or business, especially when you need to delegate or outsource tasks to someone else, like a Virtual Assistant, or VA.

Just think about it – if you don’t have a system for how things are done, how can you explain it to someone else? But if you have a well-documented process, you can hand it over to a VA, confident that they can follow the steps and get the job done right. And not only does this save you time and effort, but it also ensures that the quality of your work doesn’t suffer when you delegate tasks.

Creating systems and processes might sound complicated or time-consuming, but in reality, it’s all about starting small and building up. Start by identifying repeatable tasks in your work. Document the steps. Then, refine and optimize. Remember, systems and processes are living, evolving things. They are meant to be reviewed and improved as your work or business grows.

Action Item

Alright, it’s time to move from knowledge to action. Here is your action item this week that is designed to move closer to having systems and processes in place. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so don’t feel pressured to make big leaps. Small consistent steps can lead to massive progress.

Your action item for this week: start keeping a running list of all the tasks you do. Yes, every single task. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may seem. Why are we doing this? It’s because we often underestimate the number of repeatable tasks we do on a regular basis. Keeping track will help us identify where we can create systems or processes.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1: Get yourself a notepad, open up a Google Doc, or use your favorite task management app. Any tool will work as long as it allows you to jot down things as you do them.
  • Step 2: For the next week, write down every task you do related to your work or business. And I mean every task, from responding to emails, to creating social media posts, to making sales calls. Don’t leave anything out.
  • Step 3: At the end of the week, review your list. You’ll probably be surprised at the sheer number of tasks you do. Now, your goal is to identify tasks that you find yourself repeating often.

And here comes the interesting part. For those tasks, consider how you can make them more efficient. Could you create a template for it? Is there a system you could put in place to streamline it? Is there an app or tool that could automate it?

This exercise is your first step towards increasing your productivity and freeing up time to focus on your unique skills. The task might seem simple, but trust me, it can make a world of difference in how you manage your time and tasks.

So, go ahead and get started on that list. And remember, this is about progress, not perfection. The goal is to identify areas where you can potentially introduce systems and processes, not to completely overhaul your workflow in one go.

I can’t wait to hear how you get on with this task. Remember, the key to success is taking action, no matter how small. Every step you take is a step closer to a more productive and efficient way of working.


Alright, that brings us to the end of this episode, let’s do a quick recap of the key points we covered today:

  1. Systems and processes are the backbone of efficiency and effectiveness in any work or business.
  2. These repeatable steps not only save you time but also ensure consistency and quality in your output.
  3. By eliminating the need to ‘reinvent the wheel’, systems free up your mental space for tasks that truly require your unique skills or ‘zone of genius’.
  4. Finally, systems and processes are essential for effective delegation or outsourcing, like when you’re ready to bring a Virtual Assistant on board.

The action item for this week is to start documenting every task you do for your work or business. Remember, this is your first step towards increasing productivity and freeing up time to focus on your unique skills. Take note of those repeatable tasks and think of ways on how they can be made more efficient.

Thank you all for tuning in. If you enjoyed today’s episode and found value in our discussion, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review. Your support helps us continue to bring you more content like this.

And remember, small steps can lead to big progress. So, don’t feel pressured to overhaul your workflow overnight. It’s all about consistent, incremental improvement.

I will see you back here next week for another episode of the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast, where a focus on mentoring, community, and implementation removes the overwhelm of building your successful and profitable business and adds in a dose of momentum. 

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

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Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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