
#129: Create Your Lead Magnet in a Few Straightforward Steps


Welcome back to the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast. If you have been following along for the last two episodes, you know that we are talking about all things list building, lead generation, lead magnets, and building visibility. Today, we are going to continue that conversation and talk about the first of five steps that you need as you are building any kind of lead magnet.

And today is step one. We are going to talk about building the actual lead magnet itself. You might be thinking, wait a minute, you said five steps. And step one is building the lead magnet, because the lead magnet is just the door that is opening as you gain access to begin building a relationship with your potential clients when they get access to that lead magnet.

So yes, step one is to build your lead magnet. That’s what we’re going to focus on in today’s episode.

Step 1: Create Your Lead Magnet

Everywhere you look, there are PDFs to download. There are checklists to download, there are videos to watch, there are workshops to attend, both free and paid. There are all kinds of things.

Every single entrepreneur out there is or should be working to build a list. And the most common way to build your email list is through some kind of lead magnet. And today, like I said, we are going to talk about building your lead magnet with a few simple decisions that you can make right now. The first one is to choose a topic, and I giggle a little bit because it feels big and it feels simple. Choose a topic, great. Just choose one. And it feels big because it’s choose a topic. What do I choose? Now, you learned from Atiba in our last episode that if you are not sure what kinds of questions your clients are asking to head to Google, head to YouTube and start searching for what your clients are looking for.

If you help someone with weight loss search, what questions are being asked in Google about weight loss? Chances are it has something to do with time and not restricting yourself and not having that yo-yo of weight. If you are working to help someone improve their marketing, chances are they are struggling with social media posts that fall flat or they are not getting enough traction or enough visibility to search for those kinds of things.

As you go to Google, you’ll find the topics or the questions that your ideal clients are asking about. You can go into groups on Facebook, on your favorite social media platform, see what people are asking about over and over and over. Answer these questions with your lead magnet, and if you say there’s more than one question, that’s fantastic. Start with one.

Choose one. Once you choose your topic, I want you to create an outline of information that is going to be useful for your clients. And chances are this is going to be useful not just for your clients but your potential clients. So we want it to actually be use most useful for your potential clients, but your clients are also going to get something out of what you’re putting together.

So one topic, one question that gets consistently asked, I want you to use that as the basis for your entire lead magnet. Once you have that outlined, once you have the content that you’d like to cover outlined, take a step back. How can you easily convey that information? And the reason I don’t tell you to choose a format first is because the information is going to guide which format you choose, which is you guessed is step number two here of building your lead magnet. First was to choose a topic. The second is now to choose a format, and there are so many options out there from PDFs to checklists to eBooks, video series, live and recorded workshops. 

There are a lot of options out there, and I want you to do what will get you to market fastest. Some people thrive on recording a video. It takes them no time at all. Other people, that would be a four month endeavor. Some people thrive on creating a beautiful P using some Canva templates and getting that knocked out in just an hour. Other people, it would take them four months to do. I want you to choose the format that makes the most sense for you, for the content and for the amount of time that you have. And remember, things tend to expand into the amount of time you give them. So the goal is to get a lead magnet out as quick as possible. Choose the format that you can get your lead magnet done and published faster. The whole goal behind your lead magnet is to deliver a win of some kind for your client.

We want your client to experience a win. Now, you might be thinking, okay, balloons, cake. No, no, no, I don’t mean that kind of win. What I mean is that they get to see progress in what they’re doing. They get to see progress in their life, in their business, depending on who you serve, right?

We have to think about it differently. If you are b2b, if you’re b2c, so business to business, business to consumer, whoever you are serving, whether it’s a business or a consumer, we want them to see progress. That’s the goal of a lead magnet right there. So as you create your topic, as you choose your format, I want you to think about your end user.

Are they going to experience a win with your lead magnet? If the answer is yes, then we will move on to step two in our next episode. If the answer is no to that question, I want you to take a step back and see what you can tweak, because if you put in a little bit of research time, then your topic is good.

We just need to tweak it a little bit so that it actually delivers a win. So that is step one of the five steps in building your lead magnet. Go ahead and actually build the lead magnet itself. That’s step one of the five.

Action Item

Your action item for this week should be no surprise. Build your lead magnet research, find a topic, choose a format and deliver it.

Deliver a clear win for your client. And as you get ready to deliver it, that’s what we’re going to talk about next week. We are going to start thinking about landing pages, and then we’ll think about email sequences, where to share your lead magnet and even how to optimize your lead magnet as you move forward. But for now, keep your eyes on the prize, stay focused. 

Build that lead magnet today, this week before the next episode comes out. All right, there you have it. I’m keeping these episodes on lead magnets, lead generation, list building pretty short because they are heavy on the action that you need to take, and I want to make sure that I’m saving time in your schedule for that action to become a reality.


Just a real quick recap to build your lead magnet, focus on a topic or a question that your ideal client consistently asks about. Choose a format for your lead magnet. Again, it’s not just about what your clients want, but what is doable for you in a short amount of time, and that you want to make sure that your lead magnet is giving your client a clear win with the information that you are sharing, the experience you are delivering. That’s all I have for you today

I will see you back here next week for another episode of the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast, where a focus on mentoring, community, and implementation removes the overwhelm of building your successful and profitable business and adds in a dose of momentum. 

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

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Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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