
#154: Course Creation: Unlock Your Course Creation Success with These 10 Mindset Mantras


Welcome back to the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast. Last week we began talking about something that I have spent the last 15+ years of my life focused on, course creation.

We talked about 5 reflections to get you going on a course topic and this week we are going to head straight into something big in course creation and that is mindset.

I’m seeing the challenges and upsets that occur when you are working to create a revenue generating course in your business in real time as Digital Course Academy for new students and the DCA Reboot for Alumni is kicking off.

If you are ready to master your mindset and make the most of your time creating a new course or revamping an existing course, let’s take a look at 10 mantras that you can begin using today to shift your perspective.

The Role of Mindset in Course Creation

Honestly, mindset doesn’t seem that important when you are talking about the steps to creating a course that helps your students make progress, achieve an outcome, or live a happier life.

But mindset is everything if you don’t live in a self-contained bubble.

Because you are listening to this podcast, you are not in a self-contained bubble and lacking outside influence. So, let me share a story with you of why mindset is critical in course creation.

I’m watching as new students and alumni are going through Digital Course Academy with Amy Porterfield right now. And I’ve observed a lot of different things happening.

First, and foremost, is a feeling of being behind. Each time someone in the community posts about a question they have about implementing this specific technique for a lead magnet, ten times as many chime in that they feel behind. Were they already supposed to be testing a lead magnet, what is this technique that is being discussed and where would they have found information on it, and questions about what is a lead magnet.

This leads to overwhelm on EVERYONE’s part. The community admins work to set expectations that everyone is coming into the course with a differing amount of knowledge, supportive course mates who are working to explain context and definitions, and the poster of the original question who didn’t get their question answered because so many were confused and concerned.

But what if you aren’t participating in Digital Course Academy? You might be creating your course using resources you find online, through YouTube, Reddit, books, and articles. But then you stumble across an instructional design manual and your mind just freezes. Are you really supposed to be doing all of these things?

Even if you have avoided the instructional design and curriculum design textbooks and references that litter my office floor, you are still going to bump up against posts like the one I shared today about student accessibility needing to be top of mind as you create content.

Any and all of these situations can create a fight, flight, or freeze moment. This is why mindset is critical to successful course creation.

But it isn’t enough to say that mindset is important. Today, I’m going to share with you ten mindset shifts that you can make right now. They won’t be automatic today, they do take practice, but getting started should be possible.

10 Mindset Mantras to Increase Course Master Your Mindset

Mantra 1: There is no single path to getting my course created.

This is exactly why, when potential clients reach out and ask me if I have a set process for them to follow I say no. And then I go on to explain that I will help them create the process that contains the steps necessary to their course and their business. In other words, I don’t offer an off the shelf approach because your business isn’t an off-the-shelf business. It is unique to you.

Mantra 2: Course creation is an iterative process.

The course you create today doesn’t have to be the final version. It can be enhanced, modified, and revised to incorporate new tools, ideas, and feedback. In fact, I’d be a bit worried if you created your course and then never revisited how it was functioning, added in new resources, or explored feedback from your students. The key is to begin and then commit to iteration.

Mantra 3: My student goals will drive my decisions in my course.

It is easy in a shiny world to choose tools because of what you like about them. Or to choose activities because you think they are neat, interactive, or just plain fun. When you commit to letting your decision be driven by the student outcomes you are trying to achieve, then it is much easier to let the shiny objects pass by without any heartache or lost time and focus.

Mantra 4: I will think of my course takers as learners and explore what approaches will suit them best.

In the commercial course space, it is easy to think about your course as simply a revenue stream, or a way to get your clients to the higher tier service you offer. While that certainly may be true, imagine what will happen in your business and the success of your course if you focus on the fact that the people clicking yes on your sales page are learners. You are going to create a course that is ideally suited to THEIR needs. They will be more successful, you’ll have better word of mouth referrals, and you’ll have a course that people look up to as the gold standard.

Mantra 5: Course creation is about the best way to share information with my students and help them experience change.

Course creation, especially if you are just getting started, can feel like a lot of technology decisions from the starting gate. What if you focus on the content first and the technology later? You can create all of the content, the activities, the interactions, the assessments, and feedback loops and then find the technology that will support your course in the best way possible. You won’t be stuck with a platform that requires you to bend your course. 

Mantra 6: I need to practice course creation to become proficient.

Just like your students will need to practice what you’ll be teaching them in order to become proficient, you’ll need to do the same as it relates to course creation. Everything in life is a learning process and to expect your first iteration of the course or your first attempt at learning a new piece of course creation to be perfect is not helpful. There are entire degrees in college in curriculum and instructional design! Even trained teachers don’t always get all of the details on curriculum development. Give yourself the space and grace to learn and flourish.

Mantra 7: Course creation is a collaborative effort.

The truth is that when I created my first course I spent a lot of time in colleagues’ offices collaborating on activities, ways to teach certain lessons, and brainstorming ways to keep my students engaged, especially on a Friday afternoon class when there was a big football game the next day. I was at Clemson at the time, so you know how important football was and is! Course creation is not done in a silo. It is best when done with a mentor or brainstorming partner.

Mantra 8: Course creation doesn’t have a specific timeline.

You have a launch planned, it is just a few weeks away and your course isn’t finished. In this case, I’d recommend pushing your launch and spending more time on your course. The last thing you want is to have an amazing launch and then disappoint students because you spent all of your time on the launch and not enough on the course. Make sure your course is designed to create change and outcomes for your students and then plan that launch. You’ll find that the launch feels lighter, easier, and more aligned because you didn’t force your course into a specific timeline.

Mantra 9: When I feel overwhelmed about the course creation process I will focus on just one task.

Course creation feels like a never ending waterfall of tasks that all relate to one another in a spaghetti model, mind map kind of way. In other words, everything relates to everything else and when you tug on one string another one needs attention. It feels big and overwhelming. Instead of allowing that overwhelm to take over, instead focus on what you can do. Maybe you aren’t sure what to include in a lesson but you know what outcomes need to happen. Research how people make that outcome a reality. This will get your ideas flowing. Just focus on one thing at a time, even if everything is clamoring for your attention. 

Mantra 10: Course creation is about connection. 

One of the favorite things that I do in my business is that I focus on building actual human connections. I say this as an introvert who isn’t even close to the extrovert side of things. People ask me for the details of my coaching via a DM and I offer to set up a time to talk about their business, their needs, and how I can help. I don’t view this as a sales call. I view this as a conversation and opportunity to determine if I can genuinely help the person with their business. I had a call last week and realized that all the person needed was about 15 minutes to clarify one thing and she was on her way again. Although I shared my coaching offer with her, I let her know that I didn’t think she needed it and maybe we could see what progress we could make with the 15 minutes remaining in the call. She was shocked. She didn’t want to waste my time. I didn’t view it as a waste. It was a chance to connect with a fellow human being, make a difference, and help her make progress. It was a win in my book. Course creation and business will always be about the connections you create and foster.  

Action Item

Now onto the action item for this week. Choose as many of these mantras as you’d like to practice this week. Set them as a phone background, a sticky note on your bathroom window, an alarm in your phone, or as a journal reflection prompt for your early morning mindset mastery.

The more you review and practice these mantras, the faster you’ll internalize them and start to shift your mindset to one of mastery. You will master course creation. You will master creating content that aligns with your student outcomes. You will master serving your clients fully.

Mastery takes time, practice, persistence, and diligence. 

Which mantra will you begin with?


I know that we covered a lot of ideas in today’s episode, so let me recap out 10 mantras that are designed to help you manage the doubt, fear, overwhelm, and frustration that can spiral into a mindset that has us freezing.

  • Mantra 1: There is no single path to getting my course created.
  • Mantra 2: Course creation is an iterative process.
  • Mantra 3: My student goals will drive my decisions in my course.
  • Mantra 4: I will think of my course takers as learners and explore what approaches will suit them best.
  • Mantra 5: Course creation is about the best way to share information with my students and help them experience change.
  • Mantra 6: I need to practice course creation to become proficient.
  • Mantra 7: Course creation is a collaborative effort.
  • Mantra 8: Course creation doesn’t have a specific timeline.
  • Mantra 9: When I feel overwhelmed about the course creation process I will focus on just one task.
  • Mantra 10: Course creation is about connection. 

In episode 155, later this week we are going to dig into the concept of connections and how to create connections on social media so that you not only have a community of supporters, but don’t feel alone in your business. I can’t wait to share my conversation with strategist, Tracy Beavers on Thursday, October 5.

I’ll see you back here on Thursday for another episode of the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast, where we focus on mentoring, community and implementation. It’s all about taking action so that we can remove the overwhelm of building a successful and profitable business and add in a little dose of momentum.

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

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