
#201: Digital Course Creation Toughness (Mental Toughness)

Course creation is a marathon not a sprint. Course creation is a long game.

We can apply any number of inspirational quotes or mantras to our digital course creation business, but that isn’t going to keep you warm at night.

The reality is that knowing course creation and the subsequent success will take time doesn’t protect us from the challenges that will pop up, the exhaustion and frustration that inevitably send us for the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream section at the store, or the bank account that doesn’t seem to have enough to cover our business expenses.

So what do we do to get through these times when we are busily working without seeing tangible proof of our progress? We have to develop a mindset that is realistic, rooted in the truth, and ultimately helps us to stay focused and taking the process step by step.

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#191: Failed Digital Course Launch. Here’s What to do Next

Have you ever found yourself getting jealous as you read through social media because you want to post on social media that your course launch was a rousing success? You want to shout from the rooftops that you didn’t just get one sale, but you in fact got more than you planned for AND your audience has grown exponentially.

You’ve seen the posts that share that exact news, but when it comes to your launch all you can post is that you had low or no sales after months of effort, a course that is detailed and packed with valuable information, and you even spent money on ads that ended up costing you instead of adding to your bank account.

Now, what? Well there are two paths forward.

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#172: Busting 5 Common Digital Course Creation Myths

As a digital course creator, it is easy to fall into myth traps as you search Google, scroll on Facebook, and even sink into YouTube videos. There are countless “to-good-to-be-true” stories out there that our brains have trouble alerting us to.

In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through 5 myths to keep your eyes open for as a digital course creator and the truth behind each.

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#170: Planning for 2024 in Business

Planning for your business in 2024 isn’t as simple as setting a few goals and then moving forward. You need to make sure that in your planning you are taking into account your previous year, the goals that will move you toward your business vision, the strengths that you’ll use and the challenges that you need to plan around.

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