
#171: Embracing Change and Refocusing – The Evolution of ‘The Digital Course Creator Podcast’


A new year means new beginnings, new opportunities, and more focus for your business. In the spirit of a new year and a new season of the podcast, you’ll notice that today, the podcast has a brand new name, The Digital Course Creator Podcast.

Finding Focus

Don’t you love the freshness of a new year and the possibilities for shaping your business to be even more in line with your vision and mission? That is the beauty of entrepreneurship. The ability to make adjustments to your business so that you can not only be in alignment, but can lean into your strengths. 

Many of us get into entrepreneurship to be able to really lean into our passions and make the most of our knowledge, skills, and experience. This isn’t always possible in a regular 9-5, although I do know some who’ve made it happen. Entrepreneurship gives us the chance to pivot and shift what it is we do on a daily basis.

As a scientist and course creator, one of the most important things you can do for your business is to look at the data, explore what you’d like to create and then make adjustments. This scientific process that you learned in grade school, then maybe grudgingly employed in high school and possibly even college is the basis for making adjustments not just in your business, but in the services that you offer, the courses you create, and the coaching packages that you provide.

Without this kind of adjustment, you get stuck and your business becomes stagnant. Over the past year, through countless episodes of the podcast, amazing guests, work with my 1:1 clients, and digging into my strengths, it has become clearer than ever that my business is focusing on helping course creators go from idea to implementation. When I’m sitting down with my clients we are working on the course creation process, the mindset needed to keep going when the course feels daunting or the launch doesn’t go quite as planned. We work on messaging so that students know they are in the right place. And we talk about the meaningful actions to take in a noisy world that is constantly pulling us in every direction possible!

Digging into Course Creation

For the past 15 years, I’ve been creating and implementing courses. Everything from General Psychology to a health coach training program to courses like crafting your business vision, emotional intelligence, habit formation, creating connections, mindfulness, measuring progress, and getting unstuck. 

Helping clients with their course creation has always been a side avenue of work that I’ve done, primarily because there are so many amazing courses out there designed to help you create a course and get it launched. Through conversations and observations this year, I’ve realized that the courses are fantastic for getting someone started, but often there are deeper questions that pop up and there aren’t always readily available resources to get those questions answered.

As a course creator, I know that you want to get your course out there and make a difference in the world, but you need more help to make that happen. There are so many decisions to make, challenges to navigate, and times when you need an extra set of eyes and ears. It can leave even the most experienced course creator feeling at a loss for the next step.

I believe that you should be able to get your course finished and launched without tearing out your hair. This is exactly what I work with my 1:1 clients on, and I want to bring some of that support to the podcast.

Over the next 12 months I have a variety of topics planned for you. We will be talking about common course creation myths that you want to keep your eyes out for. We will be focusing on creating and developing engaging content. We will talk about effective teaching techniques so that your students get the most out of your course, how to use technology as an asset, and creating course objectives so that your students and you can measure progress effectively. We will talk about messaging and marketing for your course creation business, creating effective lead magnets, launching your course, the idea of an evergreen course, and more.

My Wish for You

When I first graduated with my PhD, I had a wonderful mentor in my first year of creating and teaching courses. I would sit on his office floor looking through his bookshelves of books and resources. He would patiently answer my questions, he helped me understand the differences among resources and the pros and cons of each without ever telling me what to do. 

That same year, I had another colleague who would answer my questions about course content that I was required to cover but hadn’t learned before. I had the opportunity to get feedback from two other colleagues in the department so that I could improve my teaching skills.

I want this for you. I want you to have support as you create, launch, and revise your course. That is why I’m shifting the podcast with the fourth season to be focused on you, the Digital Course Creator. I want you to know what it is like to get help at each turn, to have someone who is firmly in your corner and sharing important information with you so that you can succeed. 

This year, I want to hear from you each step of the way. Send me messages on Instagram. Let me know where you are in the process,what you are struggling with, and what you want to celebrate. I’m here for it all.

Action Item

This week’s action item is simple. Sit down and spend 30 minutes exploring where you want your course to be at the end of this year. Then think about what questions you have, what resources you’ll need, and what support you’ll want to engage to make that a reality. When you get clear on these things, you’ll be ready to take the next step in your course creation process.


As we wrap up for today, I just want to say thank you so much for being here, for inviting me into your course creation journey. With the new year, there are infinite possibilities to make your business what you want it to be. The change of the calendar often feels like a perfect moment to make a shift, but just know that you can make a shift at any point in your business so that you are more in alignment with your vision and mission as an entrepreneur and course creator.

The key is to keep looking at the data, keep checking in with your gut, and make adjustments along the way!

Show Resources

Apply to Work with Dr. Moira: https://www.digitalcoursecreatorguide.com/apply/

Check out all podcast episodes at: https://www.digitalcoursecreatorguide.com/digital-course-creator-podcast/

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tips and ideas:

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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