
#177: The 5 Reasons Your Digital Course Messaging is Failing and What to Do Instead

Spending hours, weeks, and even months perfecting your course and the messaging only to hear crickets when you put it all out into the world is scary. All too often we create messaging and course content based on a few conversations with our ideal client. We get those first few sales and then everything comes to a grinding halt. 

Today I’m going to share with you 5 reasons that this is happening and they all center around the word purpose. Having been in this exact position in the past and helped other course creators through this phase, I can share with you what makes a difference and it isn’t what you expect.

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#175: 3 Critical Steps to Getting Started on Your First (or Next) Digital Course Without Having to Backtrack

You’ve finally decided to create a digital course for your business, but when you look on YouTube or do a Google search about what you need to do, there are endless lists that all say something different. Suddenly adding a course doesn’t seem like a good idea, it feels overwhelming and downright messy. The reality is that a lot of people have put together lists of things to do to create a course based on their experience instead of research and proven practices. Creating a profitable course can be your reality and today we will cover the first 5 steps you need to take. Without these 5 steps any course will fail to gain traction and become a profitable piece of a business.

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#174: How to Get Students to Finish Your Digital Course

In the post-COVID world, it isn’t enough to have an interesting course idea, catchy sales page, and some video modules. Your course has to be designed to not only help students move through the content, but to skip binging Netflix in favor of your lessons. While this isn’t always easy, today I’m sharing 3 ideas that you can implement to boost your course completion rates and have students hiring you again.

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#173: AI in Digital Course Creation: Capabilities and Limitations

AI in digital course creation has many capabilities and many limitations. So many people are saying that you can simply put your digital course idea into an AI generator like ChatGPT with a few parameters and it will write your whole course for you.

While that is technically true, you won’t end up with a digital course that delivers on the course promise, is designed with solid learning principles in mind, and might even have inaccurate information.

It is worth the time to create your course without relying heavily on AI.

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#172: Busting 5 Common Digital Course Creation Myths

As a digital course creator, it is easy to fall into myth traps as you search Google, scroll on Facebook, and even sink into YouTube videos. There are countless “to-good-to-be-true” stories out there that our brains have trouble alerting us to.

In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through 5 myths to keep your eyes open for as a digital course creator and the truth behind each.

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