
#189: 5 Actions That Create Success as a Digital Course Creator

Creating success as a course creator is tricky, but it is easier when we borrow other’s blueprint and successes. There is absolutely no reason you should have to create the wheel all by yourself. Being a success in business isn’t about being a one person island, it is about creating shortcuts by learning from what others do.

Now, you can do it yourself without anyone else’s help, but that would be like trying to climb Mt. Everest without a guide. Slow and likely unsuccessful.

Today I’m going to share with you the 5 things that made the biggest difference in my business so that you can steal them and shortcut your time to success and be sure to stick around to the end because I’m going to share with you how to amplify Action 4 so that it does not become a business liability.

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#188: Avoid these 5 Mistakes as a Digital Course Creator

I don’t know about you, but I’ve made some mistakes as a digital entrepreneur. Some cost a lot of money and others cost me time and energy. Regardless of the cost, I’m going to pull back the curtain today on my 5 biggest mistakes so that you don’t have to make them too!

Yes, there are some who might say that we need to make mistakes in order to learn, but can’t we also learn from others so that at least we don’t make the same mistakes?

We tell our kids that they need to slow down earlier to stop behind the line at a stop sign. We don’t just let them make the mistake and learn for themselves, right?

In business we need support from one another so that this journey isn’t any harder or complicated than it needs to be.

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#187: From Uncertain Course Creator to Becoming a Six Figure Digital Course Creator

You want to have a digital course in your business, but right now you are feeling uncertain whether this is even doable. Maybe you’ve taken courses in the past on how to create a course and felt even more confused and overwhelmed.

Becoming a six figure course creator relies on four key components so that you can finish your course, get sales, have a steady income that leads to six figures and even have time off without business crowding your time and thoughts.

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#186: The Secret Behind why StoryBrand isn’t Working for Your Business

You’ve read the Building a StoryBrand book by Donald Miller. You’ve mapped out the 7 parts of the framework, but nothing is changing in your business. People still aren’t finding you. Your email list growth is the same size it has been for three months, the people following you on Facebook and Instagram aren’t your people, and your latest course launch yielded a handful of sales at best.

The secret behind unlocking the power of StoryBrand isn’t something that you’ll find in the book, but I’m going to spill the beans on the key today. And at the end of today’s episode, as a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I’ll highlight for you which piece of the 7-part framework I think is the single most important part to nail so that your audience feels seen, heard, and understood.

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#185: Should I Invest in a Business Coach? (Getting Help as an Entrepreneur)

If you’ve been on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or really any social media platform at all in the past day you’ve seen countless ads for business coaches.

I’ll share with you the exact process I go through when deciding if I need to work with someone 1:1 and in today’s Sixty-Second Solution I’ll share great interview questions you can ask a potential coach so that you can find the perfect match. These are the same questions that I encourage my private clients to ask when they are interviewing me.

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#184: How to Overcome Course Creation Paralysis and Finally Launch Your Course

Have you been working on your course for more than 6 months and haven’t launched yet? Do you wonder how you’ll ever get everything recorded when new module ideas keep popping up? Are you still purchasing solutions and courses to help you get to the point of launch and not making visible progress?

The truth is that course creation paralysis happens to most course creators at some point and it is the single biggest reason that entrepreneurs fail to successfully add a course to their business.

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